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This Privacy Statement should be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions applicable to the Coach Recognition Campaign run by Sport NZ (Campaign).

When you submit your personal information and thank you message to Sport NZ through the Campaign website, you are required to acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Statement and authorise the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Statement. IMPORTANT: If you are under 16 years of age, your parent or guardian must authorise the submission of your personal information (including any video messages) to Sport NZ.

Your personal information will be collected and held by Sport New Zealand, PO Box 2251, Wellington 6140.

What personal information does Sport NZ collect?

The type of personal information that Sport NZ may collect in connection with the Campaign includes:

  1. your name and email address (or if you are under 16 years of age, we need your parent or guardian's email address);
  2. the club, team, or school that you play for;
  3. your coach's name;
  4. your thank you message to your coach (which may include your image if you upload a video message).

Sport NZ will only collect and hold personal information that is necessary for the purposes of creating and sharing your message card. For that reason, generally we will only require a first name or nickname, and any additional personal information that we receive that is note required will be promptly deleted.

Sport NZ will collect this personal information directly from you when you submit a message through the Campaign website. IMPORTANT: If your message contains someone's else personal information (such as their name) or image (if you upload a video message), you must ensure you have their prior permission to submit this information to Sport NZ (or if they are under 16 years of age, their parent or guardian's permission). You are responsible for making them aware of this Privacy Statement.

If you choose not to provide certain information to Sport NZ, it may affect Sport NZ's ability to create and/or share your message card.

How will Sport NZ use your personal information?

Sport NZ will only use your personal information for the purpose of assessing and creating your message card, communicating with you about the Campaign and your message card, and publishing your message card on Sport NZ's website and social media channels.

Sport NZ will delete all personal information collected in connection with the Campaign at the conclusion of the campaign by 09 October 2024.

Disclosure of your information

IMPORTANT: By submitting your message to Sport NZ, you authorise Sport NZ to publish your message (which may include your name, team, and image) on its website and social media channels for promotional purposes in connection with the Campaign. If you do not wish for Sport NZ to publish your message on its website or social media channels, you can contact Sport NZ at any time at and Sport NZ will promptly remove the message from its systems and the relevant online media.

Sport NZ may disclose your personal information to its third party contractors, service providers, and other advisors who are engaged to support Sport NZ in connection with the operation of the Campaign. These third parties will only be permitted to use the information to the extent necessary to provide their services to Sport NZ, and will be subject to reasonable confidentiality obligations.

Access and correction of your information

You are entitled to access and correct the personal information that we hold about you, or if you are a parent or guardian, the information that we hold about your dependents.

If you wish to request access to or correction of any personal information that we hold in relation to the Campaign, please contact Sport NZ at