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The following terms and conditions apply to Sport NZ's Coach Recognition Campaign ( Campaign ) which enables players and participants in local sport and recreation activities to create and share thank you message cards and/or video cards for their coaches to acknowledge the effort, support and dedication those coaches provide to the players.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you participate and/or submit a message to Sport NZ through the website.

Who can participate?

This Campaign is open to all New Zealand residents who participate in local sport or recreation activities.

IMPORTANT: If you are under 16 years old, you must have your parent or guardian's permission to participate, and your parent or guardian must read and consent to these terms and conditions and the Privacy Statement authorising the submission of your personal information and message to Sport NZ through the website.

Submitting and creating your message

To create a message, you will need to submit certain information to Sport NZ through the website, such as your name and email address, your team, school or club, your message, and your coach's name. You are fully responsible for any information you submit to Sport NZ.

Sport NZ will moderate all messages for the purpose of ensuring they do not contain any inappropriate content. Sport NZ will email you a copy of your completed thank you message card which you can choose to share with your coach via email or publish it online via social media channels. Sport NZ can decline any submission and refuse to create a message card without notice.

Rules of the Campaign

You are responsible for ensuring any information and message you submit complies the law (including laws relating to copyright and privacy), and is not derogatory, objectionable, fraudulent, harmful, or otherwise not suitable for publication.

If your message contains someone's else personal information (such as their name) or image (if you upload a video message), you must ensure you have their prior permission to submit this information to Sport NZ (or if they are under 16 years of age, their parent or guardian's permission). You are responsible for making them aware of these terms and conditions and the Privacy Statement.

To protect the integrity of the Campaign, you must not:

  1. upload any content to the website that contains viruses or any other malware;
  2. use the Campaign and/or its website for any malicious purposes;
  3. publish or otherwise use your message card in a way that could cause harm to any person;
  4. upload any content that contains names, images, logos, or trade marks that belong to anyone else, without their permission (such as school branding or other sponsorship arrangements).

Publication of your message

IMPORTANT: Sport NZ may publish messages on its website and social media channels for promotional purposes in connection with the Campaign. By submitting your message to Sport NZ, you grant Sport NZ a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and display your name and message card or video card in any media for the duration of the Campaign. If you do not wish for Sport NZ to publish your name and message on its website or social media channels, you can contact Sport NZ at any time at and Sport NZ will promptly remove the message from the relevant online media.

The completed message card may contain intellectual property belonging or relating to Sport NZ, and such rights shall remain with its owners. You are not allowed to alter a message card after it is complete. If you want to make another message card, you can submit a new message through the website while the Campaign is still running.

All messages and information collected by Sport NZ in connection with the Campaign will be deleted at the conclusion of the campaign, by 09 October 2024.

You are entitled to save your message card for later use. You can print your unaltered message card and share your message card with others on social media or via email for your own personal non-commercial purposes, but you must make sure that you do that responsibly, in a way that doesn't cause harm to anyone else or cause harm to Sport NZ's reputation. You must not copy, display, distribute or use the message card, or any imagery on the message card, for any other purpose. Sport NZ does not accept any liability for any on-sharing or use of message cards which is outside of Sport NZ's control.

Other rights and responsibilities

Nothing in these terms and conditions affects any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

Sport NZ makes no warranties (either express or implied) or representation about the Campaign and excludes all warranties except any not permitted to be excluded under law. Sport NZ don't warrant or represent that the Campaign and/or its website will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free (including free from viruses or other malicious code).

Sport NZ reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Campaign temporarily or permanently at any time. We don't need to give you advance notice of this.

The Campaign website may include links to external sites. These sites are not under Sport NZ's control, and we are not responsible for them. Such links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not mean that we recommend or endorse these sites, or that we have verified or certified them in any way.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of New Zealand.

If you have a complaint about this Campaign or a message/video card, please contact us at