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Share how much your coach means to you by filling in a few details below to create a personalised thank you message.

If you’re 16 or older, go ahead and create your message. If you’re under 16, no worries – just make sure your parent or guardian is with you when you send your message.

By submitting this form you agree that Sport NZ and Coach for Life may publish your name, team, and message on its social and web channels for promotional purposes in connection with its coach recognition campaign. If you don’t want your message to be published by Sport NZ or Coach for Life, please contact If your message contains the personal information of any other person, you are responsible for ensuring you have the necessary consent from that person (or their parent or guardian if they are under 16 years of age) before submitting this form. All personal information collected in connection with Sport NZ’s and Coach for Life’s coach recognition campaign will be managed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement .